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Online Streaming of Municipality Council Meetings

Evolink launches a new product for live and VoD online streaming of municipal councils and commissions meetings, specially designed for Bulgarian municipalities.

The new service is based on the company's CDN platform and is a fully automated solution for streaming, automatic recording and publication of the meetings on the municipalities' website.

The service can be used both with own cameras and with such provided by Evolink. It is even possible to use smart phones to record and stream meetings.

Evolink's complex solution, including video cameras, control modules and remote consulting and support, completely eliminates the need for a specialized IT team in the municipality.

Once installed, the service is accessed with just the push of two buttons on the remote control. The live streaming starts with button one, and would appear directly on the municipality’s website, and after the end of the meetings, by pressing button two, it is stopped and a recording is automatically published. The whole process is extremely simplified and does not require the intervention of IT specialists, which most municipalities do not have. Municipalities get access to a control panel through which they can easily manage the content that will be published on their site.

The main focus of the solution is that it is functional, very easy-to-use and, above all, does not burden the municipal budgets. Evolink is aware of how many and painful issues our municipalities face and have to solve and how difficult it is to balance budgets. For this reason the solution was designed to be offered at extremely preferential prices.

You can get additional information HERE

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